Our precious little girl turned 3 years old today. We were so excited to celebrate with her all day long… and I should emphasize “long.” She came in at 6:00 this morning (pretty typical time for our kids to wake us up) and said, “Mommy, is it my bert day?” The answer was yes…
Selah has been blessed with 2 new friends who are both very close in age to her. This girl is named “Kayla” and she is living in the same house with us! Her parents (Fouad and Johnetta) are from Morocco and South Africa respectively. We are so grateful they are here (they just moved here from Morocco to do CPx with us) and look forward to growing in friendship with them.
I wish I had similar pictures of them with Nina…but there is plenty of time for that!I just liked this one….she seems so grown up now!
It was a great day. We got Selah a “dollhouse” for miniature cat figurines and MAN does she love it! We also visited McDonalds, joined an outreach with Masiphumelele children that took about 30 children to the beach and had a great time! Happy Birthday sweetheart….don’t grow up too fast!
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