Updates from the Proegers

A day in Masiphumelele (Pictures of the family)

Asher makes a Xhosa friend


The above picture is of Asher playing with a boy he had met while we were in the “prayer shack” praying for our outing.  Asher always quickly makes friends with children wherever we go.


More Asher with beautiful sky behind


This is more of the same, but the sky was so cool behind, I thought I would show it too.


Adjacent to the Prayer Shack


This is a fun shack (that’s what they call them) next door to the prayer shack in Masi.


Our house church outside Iobango and Upiwe's house


There are two boys who we already love so much even after only a short while.  Please pray for them as they have a very tough life.  The following pictures will include them.


Family inside "Djebogi's" house

This is a picture inside the home of a man who God has led us to minister to.  The first time we met him, we were actually afraid for our lives (or at least our person’s!) but we got his number and have continued to reach out to him.  He has softened entirely now and seems to love spending time with members of our house church.  He is not in these pictures but will be the subject of a future blog.  We are (by which I mean, I am)  calling him “Djebogi” for his own privacy.

This little boy is severely deformed and is 8 years old.  He probably weighs about 30 pounds and thankfully has a 10 year old brother who is incredibly kind and caring towards him.  Sadly, the same can not be said about his parents. Pray for him and his brother Upiwe please!

Iobonga's default face...

Despite crippling deformity and a very tough life, Iobanga smiles like nobody’s business all of the time.  If you just acknowledge him and grab his hand, he has a huge smile.  He is one of the sweetest children you will meet, as is his big brother, Upiwe.


Asher plays with Upiwe while Noah looks on...


This is outside Djebogi’s house.  We were inside talking to Djebogi’s brother while the kids were outside playing.  God is doing amazing things in this family, please pray for His work to be complete and profound.  It seems God has given us great favor with them as a house church and we are excited to see where this leads.

Selah, Kayla and Abby



Ok, this wasn’t actually in Masi, but it was too cute to pass up.  This is Selah sitting with one of her best friends Kayla and Kayla’s little sister Abby.  The two are inseparable.  Kayla’s family lives with us and have just moved here from Morocco to go through CPx with us.  We love their family and are thankful for their friendship!




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8 Responses to “A day in Masiphumelele (Pictures of the family)”

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