Ok, please don’t categorize this under “sacrifices missionaries make” because I am only being silly here. BUT, one disappointment with South Africa (there is VERY little to complain about in this wonderful country and I am already aware of many things we will miss when God calls us elsewhere!) is how difficult it is to find “real” ice cream. For a while we would see something like this and think: “Wow, Ice Cream!”
But wait, look a bit closer!
Why is there an asterisk? What’s that fine print below?
Why would you put vegetable fat in Ice Cream?? Isn’t there enough fat in the “cream” portion of “Ice Cream?” Perhaps we should investigate a bit further:
After reading those ingredients, I think I understand the need for an asterisk! This is FAR and AWAY the most common form of “Ice Cream” in South Africa. Thankfully, we were able to find one brand that is actually made with cream. There are also a few shops that seem to have real ice cream. So come see us! We promise not to give you any frozen vegetable fat dessert!
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