Updates from the Proegers

Which life decisions need prayer? (starring Ceci as featured Blog Model)

Ceci having an intimate moment with the Atlantic


This blog is named for a strange expectation I uncovered in myself and many of my friends when we began to think about going overseas.  When I mentioned our intentions to move overseas and pursue God’s purposes for other nations, one common question asked was “how did God show you this?”  (or some variation thereof).  I want to be quick to say that this is a FINE question to ask and I don’t begrudge anyone asking it of me, but I do find it odd that the same question is not asked (at least as often) when someone leaves a old job to take a new job making much more money.  The same applies to someone moving into a much nicer house or to a much nicer neighborhood.  It’s strange that we assume that “nicer” needs no explanation, but “less nice” is somehow immediately demanding of divine calling.

Ceci having a deep thought...


For the record, I see the VERY same inclination in me.  If one of you told me you were moving to the Democratic Republic of Congo to serve God, I would immediately ask to hear the story about how God was leading you there.  In fact, even as I write this, I still find that to be a reasonable expectation.  I guess what many of us may be missing is the expectation that if someone radically alters their life to something “nicer” or “better” by more widely accepted standards, we don’t appear to have the same cultural expectation for them to share with us how God led them to that decision.

Ceci's deep moment interrupted by a rude (but handsome) photographer


How do you intend to follow God’s Word for your life?  Is it ok to keep on the same trajectory without questioning the assumptions that put you on that trajectory?  I am asking these questions of myself and of God right now as Ceci and I think about our future.  I would challenge you to do the same!

Ceci and Selah hugging on each other


The end!


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9 Responses to “Which life decisions need prayer? (starring Ceci as featured Blog Model)”

  1. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ereg_replace() in /home/return/public_html/theproegers-updated/wp-content/themes/olya/includes/theme-comments.php:63 Stack trace: #0 /home/return/public_html/theproegers-updated/wp-content/themes/olya/includes/theme-comments.php(19): the_commenter_link() #1 /home/return/public_html/theproegers-updated/wp-includes/class-walker-comment.php(174): custom_comment(Object(WP_Comment), Array, 1) #2 /home/return/public_html/theproegers-updated/wp-includes/class-wp-walker.php(145): Walker_Comment->start_el('', Object(WP_Comment), 1, Array) #3 /home/return/public_html/theproegers-updated/wp-includes/class-walker-comment.php(135): Walker->display_element(Object(WP_Comment), Array, '5', 0, Array, '') #4 /home/return/public_html/theproegers-updated/wp-includes/class-wp-walker.php(370): Walker_Comment->display_element(Object(WP_Comment), Array, '5', 0, Array, '') #5 /home/return/public_html/theproegers-updated/wp-includes/comment-template.php(2097): Walker->paged_walk(Array, '5', 0 in /home/return/public_html/theproegers-updated/wp-content/themes/olya/includes/theme-comments.php on line 63