Updates from the Proegers

Star Wars God…


“The universe has been kind to me today.”

“I am at one with the universe.”

“I am God.”

It is interesting how often people say something about God that makes it sounds like God is indistinguishable from the universe itself.  Of late, I have even heard people talking about the universe rather than God as if they have fully embraced the notion that the universe itself is God.  This belief is strong in Eastern thought and dominates certain Eastern philosophies and religions but is entirely absent from the teachings of the BIble.

On the one hand, I understand the inclination.  Certainly nature is filled with beauty and wonder that reflects something of God’s beauty and mystery.  In that sense, creation is a wonderful way to point our hearts back to God.  At the same time it is important to remember that God is entirely other and not to be confused with that which He has created, no matter how strong the temptation might be when looking at a gorgeous sunset, staring at the ocean or seeing a mountain rising in the distance.

An artist’s work reflects something about her but does not begin to fully encapsulate her.  It is also absurd to think that the piece of art IS the artist except in the most abstract sense.   To conflate creation or the universe with God, is to highly underestimate God and to miss something much better….God Himself!

Why does this matter?  Why would I spend any time talking about it?  Because the universe is impersonal and undemanding in terms of our relationship to it.  God is anything but.  God loves us and has paid a dear price (the price of His Son) in order that we might have a relationship with Him.  This isn’t about a fuzzy warm feeling (no matter how nice those are) or a general sense of peace (also quite nice!), but about standing before God with full confidence that relationship has been restored and made right because of what Jesus did for us 2,000 years ago.

3 Responses to “Star Wars God…”

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