In one of the more surprising statements Jesus makes in the Bible, he says that “everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” (John 8:34). If you haven’t figured it out yet, this includes you, me and everyone else who has ever lived (beside Jesus himself).
Now I understand that some people are so “enlightened” that they don’t believe in sin and that this is actually a point of criticism that they have of following Jesus. Oddly enough, those same people can oftentimes be found decrying injustice and unkindess of every kind, particular the kinds done against him/her. But I digress…
If we can agree that we are indeed slaves to sin, then we also can agree that each of us has a problem! Jesus next points out that a slave has no authority in a family and has no inheritance either, but a son “belongs to it forever” (vs. 35). Between those two options, it is clear that what we would want is to be a son or a daughter. I can’t help but think that although I am a Son of God because of Jesus sacrifice for me, I oftentimes still act like a slave. Is this an indication that I am still a slave or that I don’t yet understand my identity as a son? Either option seems possible, but I think if we have chosen to call God Father through Christ, we are now sons and daughters.
Jesus, in the same passage expressly indicates that He has come to set us free. In fact, he says “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” However, if we are free, but we don’t know it, then we will continue to act like slaves. If we are free and we DO know it, we will begin to act like sons and daughters.
I encourage you to consider your identity today. Have you found your identity in God as His son or daughter? This is something that only happens by calling upon the name of Jesus for forgiveness and freedom from sin. Many people seem to believe that every person is God’s child, but the Scriptures (and Jesus in particular) expressly contradicts this in multiple locations throughout the Bible. The good news is that EVERYONE is invited to become a child of God…and no matter where you are in life and no matter what decisions you have made, that includes you! Why not become God’s child today? If you are but have been living like a slave, why not start living like a child?
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