Archive by Author

Pictures only (part 2)

Yesterday I did something wrong in the formatting of my post so some of the pictures I had put in disappeared.  I have decided to do a part 2 to include those pictures and add a few new ones.  I hope you enjoy! This is Mark reading to Asher’s class on during “mystery reader week” […]


Are you a slave?

  In one of the more surprising statements Jesus makes in the Bible, he says that “everyone who sins is a slave to sin.”  (John 8:34).  If you haven’t figured it out yet, this includes you, me and everyone else who has ever lived (beside Jesus himself). Now I understand that some people are so […]


Talking to God…how do YOU do it?

“Prayer without expectancy may just be unbelief in disguise.”  (Unknown) I know…that’s offensive isn’t it?  At least it offends me!  But why does it offend me?  It offends me because it describes so much of what I have called “prayer” in my life.  But when I compare many prayers as recorded in Scripture with my […]


Humbled at McDonalds…

  Last night we took a family to whom we have been ministering to McDonalds.  They live less than a mile from this McDonalds so my assumption was that they had been there but that it would still be a special treat that they only got to enjoy a few times a year (we only […]

Mark's head is shrinking

Are you a follower?

  heard something years ago that I have repeated many times now over the years, so my apologies to former students of mine who have heard this before! In some circles, it is not uncommon for people to use metaphors like “I have been feasting on the Word” and/or “I just had a good meal” […]