Updates from the Proegers

God is not an elephant…


God is not an elephant…

Many of us live under the depressing and burdensome notion that God has never forgotten that “thing” that we did in our past.  As a result, we either choose to stop thinking about Him altogether, or we work furiously to try and “make up” for that “thing.” (note: “thing” may be a habit that lasted for years or any number of different choices that we regret). But God is a God who is capable of forgetting!  In Christ’s death on the cross is a mean’s to have our sin not just “forgiven” but actually “forgotten!”

Now, I don’t think God actually “forgets” like you or I forget, but He never holds it against us again, never brings it up again (unless it is to remind a stubborn person of His forgiveness) and never reminds you of it in order to manipulate you into being “better.”  If you are a follower of Christ who lives under the mistaken notion that God is still upset with you about something you did in your past or that God is unwilling to use you because you somehow disqualified yourself, God gives you permission to repent!

We read in the Scriptures that “God is love” and then we read an amazing description of what love looks like practically in a letter Paul wrote to the church in Corinth.  At one point it says “Love keeps no record of wrongs done.”  Since God is love, and love keeps no record of your sin, then you can stop trying to work off a debt that was satisfied in Christ!

King David reported it like this:

“…as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our sin from us.”

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