Follow the leader should be easy! (pictures and blog)

Asher and Noah in Kommetjie village, Cape Town, South Africa June, 2012

  In the 10th chapter of John, Jesus describes Himself in an interesting way.  He calls Himself the “good shepherd.”  This is interesting because so many of us have created a shepherd that is not very good at all.  What would make a shepherd good in the eyes of a sheep?  Well, for one He […]

Noah does his version of the King of Pop….

Noah smiling and looking sideways Cape of Good Hope

Ok, so I filmed all of these Michael Jackson impressions in a 5 minute space like 6 weeks ago, but didn’t want to put them all out at once.  This is the final installment. I don’t want anyone to think that all we do is Michael Jackson impressions, but I also want each of the […]

Selah performs Michael Jackson piece (video)


Not sure why our children are slightly enamored with Michael Jackson of late, but Selah was singing this for me and it was too cute. I then filmed her doing it…. [vimeo 44558923]

Ostrich Hunting


[vimeo 44241374] In just minutes, you can download and install hellospy samsung googlenexus s spy software and begin monitoring your loved one with innovation features

Star Wars God…


  “The universe has been kind to me today.” “I am at one with the universe.” “I am God.” It is interesting how often people say something about God that makes it sounds like God is indistinguishable from the universe itself.  Of late, I have even heard people talking about the universe rather than God […]