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Are Demons real?

So I have debated putting this up for a good 2 months but figured I would.  It is a 5 minute video I filmed of a Kenyan friend from here in Africa who reports a story of an encounter with demons he had some time back.  All I can tell you is that I have […]

Proegers have a break-in….

I wanted to set out to write about our recent break-in because many of you saw the updates on Facebook…. On Friday (5 days ago) we had 2 men from Masiphumelele come into our house during the day while we were gone.  We have a local lady named Florence clean our house once or twice […]

some friends make us feel short (Fouad and Danie in Jo-Burg)

Hmm, what do you make of this?

We have a man at CPx this week who is from Oklahoma….that sad fact aside (; ) ), he has incredible wisdom and I wanted to share some of his thoughts with you.  But to make this a bit more enjoyable, I am adding some fun recent pictures of the Proeger family’s time here in […]


A day in Tarsus…(yes, THAT Tarsus)

  This is all of us getting ready to drive to Tarsus, which is about 30 minutes from where our friends live! Walking in the streets of Tarsus   More walking…     and more walking….(these shots were all taken very close together) Asher and Noah trying to enter a church building from the wrong […]